Wayne Au
64-Ant struggle over knowledge , however, is also a struggle over epistemology, a struggle over whose understanding counts and what perspectives and politics that understanding carries with it
68- "foster systematic understandings if the social, cultural, and material world amongst students in order to establish the conditions for them to develop more complex and complete knowledge if themselves and their contexts .., opens up the possibility for students to develop new potentials for acting relative to their contexts, which I turn creates potential for students to actively interrupt inequality as change agents ...
18- materialist--the idea they matter precedes consciousness they the material works has existed and would exist regardless of whether or not any humans or divine human beings conceived if such existence... Our consciousness of the world is in a sense fundamentally produced by the world itself and not the way around .. Dialectical conception
This actively acknowledges the centrality of human action to transform the world ... There exists interaction , unity, and dynamo fluidity in the connected interchange between humans and their social, cultural, and material environments
So schools create a space for the curriculum to act as a conceptual tool in the praxis of working for social understanding a d intelligent action
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